Dear Infinity-Box users,
From now you can calculate INQ-Chat and INQ-Mini unlock codes via imei in your Infinity Online Service.
1. Login to your Infinity-Box Online Service account: Infinity-Box - Support
- Run DongleManager and read Smart-Card S/N:

- go to support link: Infinity-Box - Support

2. Enter imei and get code:

As ordinary, non-stop free (no any additional payments required) updates during last 6 years, as nobody else...
Infinity-Box 6 (six) years non-stop free updates and support: Infinity-Box - News
From now you can calculate INQ-Chat and INQ-Mini unlock codes via imei in your Infinity Online Service.
1. Login to your Infinity-Box Online Service account: Infinity-Box - Support
- Run DongleManager and read Smart-Card S/N:
- go to support link: Infinity-Box - Support
2. Enter imei and get code:
As ordinary, non-stop free (no any additional payments required) updates during last 6 years, as nobody else...
Infinity-Box 6 (six) years non-stop free updates and support: Infinity-Box - News
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