Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo GT-I9300I Dead Boot Repair 27 July Bijendra Narsinghani Share To: SamsungGalaxy S3 Neo GT-I9300I Dead Boot Repair REQUIRMENTS1) 16 GB SD card 2) Win32DiskImager 3) unbrick file 4) odin and stock firmware Download Win32DiskImagerDownload unbrick fileDownload OdinDownload Stock Firmware For 4 file repair firmware Search tis file I9300IXXUAND1_I9300IOJVAND1 in z3x support or HWK support Procedure1) install the Win32DiskImager 2) download and extract the u will find a debrick.img 3) insert sd card (16 GB class 4 or 10) and format it 4) open Win32DiskImager 5) open img file and write to sd card 6) after complete remove sd card from pc and insert it into your neo 7) insert back the battery and press vol down + home + power button 8) u will get into download mode 9) now remove your sd card from mobile 10) open odin and add your firmware and flash
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